BeTalk Association is a specialized and public discussion forum for topics such as webmastering, site design, programming, graphics and topics related to computers, mobile phones and tablets, etc. In this forum, you can share your tutorials and articles with others or ask your questions and problems about different categories and get a complete and appropriate answer in the shortest possible time.
Although this forum is for webmasters, other users in other specialties and topics can also join this forum and ask their articles and questions. All questions will be answered correctly! If you do not find your categories in BeTalk, let us know in the support section so that your specialized category can be added as soon as possible!
Medals and badges
Be active in BeTalk, post threads, reply to others, like others and earn points and earn new medals and ratings. See the list of medal recipients and the ranking of the top users.
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Search the forum
The forum search system allows you to easily search among all the answers, topics and users, and you can easily find the content you want.
Hashtags and addresses
Use hashtags to enrich your content and use quotes to address others in your reply and topic.
Dark and light mode
BeTalk responds to your device's day and night mode, and the forum color will change based on your device's day and night mode.
Webmaster Tools
The BeTalk community is a specialized webmasters' association, so free tools are available to help developers in the community.
It is possible for users to create and send new polls. Ask users about your favorite topics and participate in your survey and view survey statistics.
Bazaar section
There is a section in the BeTalk community called Bazaar where you can introduce your virtual products, place your domain and websites and present them to users, and through this you can introduce or sell your products.
Keywords: Forum, Forum, Questions and Answers, Questions and Answers, Beetalk, BiTak, Webmaster, Webmasters Association, Programmer, Coder, Programming, Coding, Poll, Statistics