Asadi Tosi

Asadi Tosi

Version 4.0
2000 Tomans
Install +10
Category Books & Reference
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2016 January 12
Asadi Tosi

Asadi Tosi

hamed taheri
Version 4.0
2000 Tomans
Install +10
Category Books & Reference
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2016 January 12
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More Info

Abu Nasr Ali ibn Ahmad Asadi Tusi fifth century Persian poet and composer of the epic Grshaspnamh. He died in the year 465 AH. His tomb is in Tabriz.
The subject of this book, the hero of the story is the name of the Father Garshasb Nariman narrative terms, the ancestor of Rustam in India and other lands and Rzmha is great and celebrated. The book on the 58 years after the end of 458 AH Shahnameh are accomplished. Grshaspnamh the fourth century prose writer and poet Rumi Abvalmvyd Grshaspnamhay which has also been adapted and apparently one of the stories of Shahnameh Abu Mansur. Garshaspnameh verse does not dispute the original story and Asadi change is not applied.
1 - includes a full Grshaspnamh Asadi Tusi
2 - Includes biographical Asadi Tusi
3 - New favorites
4 - Ability to search in each section based on the first letter of each poem as 50 RealTime (Real Time)
* 5 - a general search of all lyrics to RealTime (Real Time) (New)
6 - Ability to select background music for reading poetry and work with the program
7 - Ability to send poetry as SMS and Email (using Intent), and copy the text in memory
8 - No need to Persian and Persian instruments with the ability to change the font and font size of the text.
9 - Ability to select font color for the post.
* 10 - Ability to change wallpaper app with a beautiful and charming designs
11 - Graphic design and support xHD dpi
12 - runs on Android 2.2 devices and above, including
Resources for biography:
* book - poetry - poetry - lyric - poem - poems - poet - Court

User Reviews - 4 Rates
4.8 from 5
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