ziyarate joshane kabir

ziyarate joshane kabir

Version 4
Install +1 K
Category Religious
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2020 January 8
ziyarate joshane kabir

ziyarate joshane kabir

fereshteh developer
Version 4
Install +1 K
Category Religious
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2020 January 8
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More Info

Pilgrimage to Jushan the Great

The prayer of Joshua the Great is mentioned in one of the tombs of Islam by Gabriel to the Prophet of Islam. This prayer has a hundred clauses, and each clause contains ten "names" from the name of God, with the exception of clause 55, which contains eleven exalted names; therefore, in total, this prayer contains a thousand and one "names" of the Almighty God. Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) from his father, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) are also quoted. Thus, in one of the narrations that the Prophet was wearing a heavy armor that would harass their body armor, Gabriel came down and, while declaring God's Prophet's salutation to the Prophet, read this prayer instead of wearing the message: This is the prayer of the Prophet and his nation.

According to the narration, whoever reads the prayer of Joshua the Great when he leaves his house, God will preserve him and give him many rewards, and whoever writes it on his bosom will be immune from retribution.

The Almighty God has built a house in the fourth heaven called Bethlehem; seventy thousand angels enter and leave it every day and no longer return to it until the Day of Judgment and God Azi and Jali give the owner of this prayer the benefits of these angels. In the traditions we have received from the innocent people, it is often seen that God has 99 names for anyone to call him by these names, the answer to his prayers and whoever names them is from Paradise. It is as though the numbering of these names is not just about reading them but about understanding the concepts and deriving them from these names.

Among the features of this program:

Simple and beautiful design

Beautiful and religious font

Recite each passage with beautiful and pleasant audio along with translating verses

Auto-move text with audio

User Reviews - 8 Rates
4.9 from 5
سلام برنامه خوبی هست فقطیک عیب داره که بندی که بارنگ دیگه ای نشون می ده .شماره اون بند اصلا مشخص نیست وخواننده دعا الان بند چندم هست اگه لطف کنید این اسکال روبرطرف کنید دیگه عالیه عالی میشه موفق باشید درپناه حق